6 reasons: The growing buzz about Mobility and CRM

Handheld devices are the new computing systems with their significance taking a leap beyond gaming and messaging. Intricate applications are being run as apps that handle entire sales activity efficiently. With SAP venturing into C4C mobile CRM along with many others, the competency of the small screen is well indicated.
Below is the glimpse at some of the lucrative features it garners for your business.
- Instant access to data
A CRM tool helps access handy information from a centralized database.
A CRM tool helps access handy information from a centralized database. Thus, the sales guy doesn’t have to retreat back to the office or call upon subordinates to fetch specific data at run time. The CRM tool is usually integrated with other modules. Lesser time in acquiring information results into faster sales processes.
- Easy to deploy and maintain
Though it could be claimed for any app over a web services portal but lesser resources that go into maintaining CRM on mobile platforms directly influence the expenses and ultimately the Return on Investment. It also reflects at the end level when profits against expenses are reported.
- Abbreviates escalation rate
If a customer can buy everything online with a few taps, he would expect similar responses to queries made. Longer turnaround times and delays can’t be afforded anymore. A mobile CRM solution helps access such updates and get responses in a timely manner. Thus, helps cut down on escalation rates and meets customer satisfaction.
- Enhancing service consultant’s efficiency
Around 50% of the issues are left unresolved because the technical agent is found entangling with primitive and slow user interfaces, disconnected systems and lack of coordination amongst modules to share information. Mobile CRM is incepted out of lightweight developments that make the UI more responsive, fast and durable.
- Easily customizable
Mobile CRM applications can be customized according to extempore business requirements on the spot. Critical data from the inventory management module or the fluctuating pricing models could be accessed to provide an accurate business roadmap.
- Shortening Sales Cycle
With information easily accessible on a handy device, the dependency on back office systems and other subordinates decreases and thus the sales guy get more time to focus on innovative ways to acquire further opportunities. Thus, delivery time decreases.
If you haven’t incarnated your CRM presence onto mobile yet, you are surely at 22% loss. Reach out to Baryons’ experts on Mobility via CRM and realize the potential.